Life Has a Purpose
Understanding who we are.
We can worship God by praying and by performing good deeds and avoiding bad deeds. An everyday activity can be considered an act of worship when performed solely for the sake of God.
Be kind to our neighbour
Brothers & Sisters, while visiting Mosque at all times please park your vehicle / bike sensibly, safely and securely. Please be considerate to the neighbours whilst parking, pick up and drop off.
People behind
Al Aqsa Masjid

Imam Bacosse Sobdar
Leading figure of Al Aqsa
Enters a series of petition to secure the land
Sobdar Family closely linked to the evolution of Al Aqsa
Sobdar family still closely involved with the Mosque.
Till today Mr Sobdar is the President of the Committee
In 1798

Dr Idrice Goomany
Birth of Dr Idrice Goomany 1859 at Pagoda Street
Mussalli of Al Aqsa Masjid
Famous doctor who will sacrifice his life, while caring for others
In 1859

Bibi Sakina Goulamy
Intimately associated with the construction of Al Aqsa
Affectionately called ‘ Dadi’
A Real Symbol of the central importance of Women in Islam in Mauritius and for Al Aqsa
Affectionately regarded as the Mother of all muslims of Mauritius
Her grand children still celebrate her memory at the Shrine at Al Aqsa
In 1809